The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Galerie Jiří Švestka, Praha, 2011
Foto: Martin Polák

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Galerie Jiří Švestka, Praha, 2011
Foto: Martin Polák

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Galerie Jiří Švestka, Praha, 2011
Foto: Martin Polák

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Galerie Jiří Švestka, Praha, 2011
Foto: Martin Polák

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Galerie Jiří Švestka, Praha, 2011
Foto: Martin Polák

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Galerie Jiří Švestka, Praha, 2011
Foto: Martin Polák

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Galerie Jiří Švestka, Praha, 2011
Foto: Martin Polák

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost & other photographs
Pohled do instalace: Trianon Gallery, Lethbridge, 2012
Foto: David Miller

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, 2013
Foto: Tom Bilenkey

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, 2013
Foto: Tom Bilenkey

The Voice Reached Us Through the Floor, but the Words Themselves Were Lost
Pohled do instalace: Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, 2013
Foto: Tom Bilenkey

Vnitřní okruh v současné české fotografii
Pohled do instalace: Galerie hlavního města Prahy, Městská knihovna, 2013
Foto: Pavel Mára