1 / 10 / 2014
Petra Mala Miller continues work on her multimedia project, Living in the Zone.
Living in the Zone consists of interviews and photographs. The work explores the fate of a number of
Belarusian children who convalesced near the artist’s childhood home shortly following the catastrophic
events at Chernobyl in 1986. Mala Miller interviews and photographs several Czech families and individuals
responsible for bringing the children to Czechoslovakia and for providing for their practical needs.
The artists’ childhood home, the backdrop for this work is located on the fringe of the emergency evacuation
zone surrounding the Dukovany nuclear power generating station in southern Moravia. The work examines
the community relations, the shared memories and traces the implications on this region and on the lives
of individuals affected by the disaster of Chernobyl.
Financial support provided by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.